
Engaging Earth Day Activities for Homeschool

Earth Day is a special day to celebrate the earth and take action to protect it. It’s a great opportunity to teach kids about the importance of taking care of our environment and how each person can make a difference. Here we look at some engaging Earth Day activities for homeschool that will help get your learners excited to learn more about preserving our world.

educate learners about Recycling

Encourage your learners to recycle by teaching them how to separate items into different categories such as plastic, paper, glass, and aluminum. Have your learners create an easily understandable system for everyone in the family to follow such as color-coding bins or labeling them with words like “plastics” and “paper.” This will help instill the importance of reducing waste and reusing materials whenever possible.

Plant a tree

Planting a tree is an easy way to help the environment while also teaching your learners about nature and conservation. Not only will this activity educate your children on what it takes for plants to survive, but they will also be able to see firsthand the positive impact they have made on their environment by planting something new.

Build a compost bin

Building a compost bin is another great way for kids to get involved with helping the environment and learning about sustainable practices. This project is also an excellent excuse for parents and teachers alike to bring science into their lesson plans!

To build a compost bin, all you need is dirt, leaves, sticks, newspaper strips or shredded paper, and kitchen scraps (no meat). Once everything is layered together correctly in a container with holes at the bottom for drainage, you can start composting! Your compost bin will provide rich nutrients for any plants you decide to grow in your garden.

Create nature art

These Nature Sun Catchers are a great way to create works of art to celebrate our planet! They also make gorgeous window displays, as they look so pretty when the sun shines through them.

For detailed instructions on how to create these beautiful works of nature art, click here or on the image above.

Looking for more Nature inspired art ideas? Click here or on the image below for a complete bundle of fun nature themed art ideas that learners can complete while exploring the great outdoors!

Go on a nature walk

Nature walks are an engaging way for children to interact with nature firsthand. Have them observe different plants and animals while learning about how they all work together as part of one big ecosystem. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, have your kids collect natural “treasures” like pine cones or rocks along the way!

Looking to up your Nature Walk game? Tie in some writing practice by having your learners write about the things they noticed with their 5 sense while walking! This fun activity comes with an illustrated instruction card and a variety of activity templates. Grab a copy for your learners by clicking here or on the image below.

Read more about the benefits of taking students outside to learn by clicking on the blog post linked below.

Benefits of Outdoor Learning in Homeschool

Grow a garden

Garden growing is one of my favorite Earth Day activities for homeschool. Planting flowers and vegetables helps kids understand the power of nature and how something as small as a seed can transform into something beautiful and edible! Gardening also gives them the chance to learn about different types of plants, soil, composting, insects, water conservation, and more. Plus it’s a great way for them to get outdoors and experience the joys of nature first-hand.

Interested in tying a little reading into your gardening explorations? Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman is a short novel all about people coming together through the development of a community garden. It makes a great spring novel study! Grab a complete novel study to use along with this engaging story by clicking here or on image below!

There are so many fun ways for kids to get involved in Earth Day activities that are both educational and meaningful at the same time! Introducing these activities into your home or classroom not only provides an outlet for creative expression but also teaches valuable lessons on environmentalism that can be carried forward well beyond April 22nd each year.

Looking for more earth day Activities for Homeschool?

Check out these fun ELA review activities all about Earth Day! Simply click on the image below to go directly to my Etsy shop.

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